近年来主要从事公共安全应急管理、大规模人群疏散和秩序管理、网络舆情应对与引导策略等领域的研究工作,主持国家自然科学基金1项,省部级项目2项(其中包含上海市科学技术委员会“科技创新行动计划:社会发展领域重点项目1项),福建省教育教学研究项目重点项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、中国船级社等行业科研项目等纵向课题4项。已在“International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction”"Remote Sensing",火灾科学等国内外高水平学术期刊和学术交流会议上发表学术论文30余篇,咨询报告2份,获国家授权发明专利2项,实用新型专利1项,软件著作权1项。
1. 联系方式
2. 基本情况
3. 教育背景
2011.09-2016.06 中国科学技术大学 火灾科学国家重点实验室 博士
2014.09-2015.09 意大利国家研究委员会 国家公派联合培养博士研究生
2007.09-2011.06 福州大学 环境与资源学院 安全工程 本科
4. 工作及科研经历
2021.08-至今 福建警察学院 治安系 副教授
2021.03-2021.08 福建警察学院 治安系 讲师
2016.10-2021.03 上海海事大学 海洋科学与工程学院 讲师
2014.09-2015.09 意大利国家研究委员会
5. 主讲课程
《管理运筹学》 《公共安全应急管理》等
6. 科研方向
7. 科研项目与教改项目
[1] 考虑船体倾斜作用的邮轮乘客人群疏散动力学规律与疏散诱导策略研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2021.01~2023.12,24w,项目负责人 (结题)
[2] 考虑警力资源配置的密集人群运动特性与应急疏散策略研究,福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2022.08-2025.07,10w,项目负责人 (在研)
[3] “大思政课”视域下公安专业实践育人模式的重构与探索,福建省本科高校教育教学研究项目重点项目,2023.10.01~2026.10.01,40w,项目负责人 (在研)
[4] 城市轨道交通异质客流群集演化与设施设备耦合机制研究,2023年福建省财政专项,2024.01.01-2026.12.31,60w,项目负责人 (在研)
[5] 城市地下大型综合体复杂人流的个体与群体行为特性研究,上海科学技术委员会“科技创新行动”社会发展领域重点项目子课题三,2018.07.01~2021.06.30,61.9w,项目负责人 (结题)
[6] 南海内孤立波传播变形的数值模拟,上海市科学技术委员会“科技创新行动”重点项目,2017.07~2020.06,80w,参与 (结题)
[7] Development of models and time series analysis tools for the analysis of firesequences. CAS-CNR,国际双边合作项目,参与 (结题)
[8] 综合监测与预测的输电线路火灾预警预测技术可行性研究,中国南方电网山火预警项目,参与 (结题)
8. 期刊论文
[1] X.L. Li, J. Li, and M. Haghani, "Application of Remote Sensing Technology in Wildfire Research: Bibliometric Perspective," Fire Technology, 2024. 60(1): 579-616.(SCI)
[2] X.L. Li, Z.Y. Huang, Z.M. Fang, Y.M. Huang, W. Lv, R. Ye, S.C. Cao. “An experimental study on the effectiveness of fire warnings onevacuation from a metro train: The response phase,”International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2022. 76:103019.(SCI)
[3] F. Dong, X.L. Li*, Q.M. Xie, R. Ye, S.C. Cao. “The influence of weather and temperature on pedestrian walking characteristics on the zigzag bridge,” International Journal of Biometeorology, 2022. 66 (12): 2541-2552(通讯作者, SCI)
[4] Z.Y. Huang, S. Cao, Z.M. Fang, R. Ye, Z. Wang, and X.L. Li*, "Effect of voice alarms on temporal characteristics of the evacuation process inside metro train carriages: An experiment study," Safety Science, 2021. 142: 105403.(通讯作者,SCI)
[5] X.L. Li, R. Ye, Z.M. Fang, Y.H. Xu, B.H. Cong, and X. Han. “Uni- and bidirectional pedestrian flows through zigzag corridor in a tourism area: a field study,” Adaptive Behavior, 2020. DOI: 10.1177/1059712320902236.(SCI)
[7] 李晓恋,叶小曼,陈静怡,张诗琪,谢启苗,何其泽.“正压送风位置和风量对高层建筑火灾烟气控制的影响,”科学技术与工程,2020.(中文核心)
[8]X.L. Li, A. Lanorte, R. Lasaponara, M. Lovallo, W.G.Song, and L. Telesca, “Fisher–Shannon and detrended fluctuation analysis of MODIS normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series of fire-affected and fire-unaffected pixels,” Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk, pp. 1-16, 2017. (SCI)
[9]X.L. Li, W.G. Song, L.L. Lian, and X.G. Wei, “Forest Fire Smoke Detection Using Back-Propagation Neural Network Based on MODIS Data,” Remote Sensing, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 4473-4498, 2015.(SCI)
[10] X.L. Li, J. Wang, W.G. Song, J. Ma, L. Telesca, and Y.M. Zhang, “Automatic Smoke Detection in MODIS Satellite Data based on K-means Clustering and Fisher Linear Discrimination,” Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, vol. 80, no. 10, pp. 971-982, 2014.(SCI)
[11] S.C. Cao, J.L. Qian, X.L. Li, J. Ni. Evacuation simulation considering the heterogeneity of pedestrian under terrorist attacks. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2022, 79, 103203. DOI:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103203 (SCI)
[12] L.P. Lian, R. Ye, L. Xia, W.G. Song, J. Zhang, X.L. Li. Pedestrian dynamics in single-file merging flows. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2022, 600, 127549. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2022.127549 (SCI)
[13] H. Fang, W. Lv, H. Cheng, X. L. Li, B. J. Yu, and Z. W. Shen. 'Evacuation Optimization Strategy for Large-Scale Public Building Considering Plane Partition and Multi-Floor Layout', Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 2022(SCI)
[14] R. Ye, Z.M. Fang, Z.Y. Huang, L.P. Lian, X.L. Li, Y. Gao, and J.J. Liu. 'Trajectory-based analysis on pedestrian turning movement on a stair landing', Safety Science, 147: 105622. 2022.(SCI)
[15] Z.Y. Huang, R. Fan, Z.M. Fang, R. Ye, X.L. Li, Q.F. Xu, H.S. Gao, and Y. Gao. 'Performance of occupant evacuation in a super high-rise building up to 583 m', Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 589: 126643, 2022. (SCI)
[16] Z. Huang, S. Cao, Z. Fang, R. Ye, Z. Wang, and X. Li*, "Effect of voice alarms on temporalcharacteristics of the evacuation process inside metro train carriages: an experiment study," Safetyscience, vol. 142, p. 105403, 2021 (通讯作者,SCI)
[17] R. Ye, Y.P. Zeng, G. Zeng, Z.Y. Huang, X.L. Li, Z.M. Fang, and W.G. Song. 'Pedestrian single-file movement on stairs under different motivations', Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 571: 125849, 2021.(SCI)
[18] Z.M. Fang, H.S. Gao, L.X. Jiang, X.L. Li, and W. Lv, “Human movement characteristics duringemergency evacuations in a virtual environment,” Fire Safety Journal, 2020(SCI)
[19]郑应刚,李晓恋,张洪生.“基于遥感影像边界特性对南海海洋内波检测算法研究,” 热带海洋学报,2020(CSCD)
[20] Z.M. Fang, Z.Y. Huang, X.L. Li, J. Zhang, W. Lv, L. Zhuang and N. Huang, “How many infections of COVID-19 there will be in the" Diamond Princess"-Predicted by a virus transmission model based on the simulation of crowd flow”. arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.10616, 2020.
[21] W. Lv, X. Zhou, Z.M. Fang, F.Z. Huo and X.L. Li., “Simulation study of vehicle travel time on route with signals considering comprehensive influencing factors,” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 530, 121389, 2019.
[22] Z.M. Fang, L.X. Jiang, X.L. Li, W. Qi, and L. Z. Chen, “Experimental study on the movement characteristics of 5–6 years old Chinese children when egressing from a pre-school building,” Safety Science, vol. 113, pp. 264-275, 2019.
[23] Z.M. Fang, W. Lv, X.L. Li and W.G. Song, “A Multi-Grid Evacuation Model Considering the Threat of Fire to Human Life and its Application to Building Fire Risk Assessment,” Fire Technology, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2205-2026, 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s10694-019-00840-w
[24] R. Ba, W.G. Song, X.L. Li, Z.X. and Xie, S. Lo, “Integration of Multiple Spectral Indices and a Neural Network for Burned Area Mapping Based on MODIS Data,” Remote Sensing, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 326, 2019. DOI: 10.3390/rs11030326
[25] Z.X. Xie, W.G. Song, R. Ba, X.L. Li and L. Xia, “A Spatiotemporal Contextual Model for Forest Fire Detection Using Himawari-8 Satellite Data,” Remote Sensing vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 1992, 2018. DOI: 10.3390/rs10121992
[26] X.G. Wei, W. Lv, W.G. Song, and X.L. Li, “Survey study and experimental investigation on the local behavior of pedestrian groups,” Complexity, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 87-97, 2015.
9. 会议论文
[1]Li X.L., Song W.G., Lanorte A., Lasaponara R. Remote Sensing Fire Danger Prediction Models Applied to Northern China. 16th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2016), Beijing, China, July 4-7, 2016, Proceedings, Volume 9790, pp. 624-633
[2] Li X.L., A. Lanorte, L. Telesca, W. Song, R. Lasaponara. Assessment of MODIS-Based NDVI-Derived Index for Fire Susceptibility Estimation in Northern China. 15th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2015), Banff, AB, Canada, June 22-25, 2015, Proceedings, Part IV. Volume 9158. pp 193-203. (EI)
[3] 叶小曼; 李晓恋; 陈静怡; 张诗琪; 谢启苗; 何其泽,排烟口尺寸与开口方式对正压通风效果的影响,全国高校安全科学与工程学术年会,合肥,中国, 2018.
[4] X.G. Wei, W.G. Song, X. Xu, Z.M. Fang, X.L. Li,Effect of group behavior on crowd dynamics,11th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, Krakow, Poland, September 22-25, 2014.
10. 授权专利
[1] 宋卫国,李晓恋,张永明,吕伟. 一种森林火灾烟雾识别方法及装置. 授权号:ZL201310376899.2 (授权)
[2] 李晓恋,郑应刚,张洪生. 结合聚类分析和边界跟踪法的 SAR 海洋内波条纹识别方法. 专利号:ZL201811398861.4
[3] 李晓恋,段敏慧. 一种火灾疏散地贴. 专利号: ZL202020943828.1
[4] 李晓恋. 连续转角回廊人群疏散仿真软件. 登记号:2022SR1511269
[1] 李晓恋,李富声. *******安全素养****. 福建省智库专报,2021.10
[2] 李晓恋.梨泰院******,2022.11
[1] 2019.1-2019.12 上海豫园旅游商城股份有限公司 产学研践习
[2] 2023.03-2023.07 福建省公安厅反恐怖总队
2023年9月 福建警察学院“十佳教师”
2023年7月 福建警察学院个人嘉奖
2017 年 12 月 上海市属高校新教师岗前培训项目“优秀学员”
2017 年 12 月 2017 年上海市属高校新教师岗前培训项目“微格教学优秀奖”